Naylor Workshop for Undergraduate
Research in Writing Studies
York College of Pennsylvania

3rd Annual Naylor Workshop for Undergraduate
Research in Writing Studies
September 9 -11, 2016
This Year's Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Jessica Enoch
University of Maryland
Jessica Enoch is an Associate Professor and Director of Academic Writing at the University of Maryland, College Park, where she specializes in feminist rhetorics and pedagogies, rhetorical education, histories of rhetoric and composition, and literacy studies. Enoch is the author of Refiguring Rhetorical Education: Women Teaching African American, Native American, and Chicano/a Students 1965-1991 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP), and editor of Burke in the Archives: Using the Past to Transform the Future of Burkean Studies (with Dana Anderson, Columbia: U of South Carolina Press). Her articles have appeared in places such as College Composition and Communication, College English, and Rhetoric Society Quarterly.
Enoch has numerous awards and fellowships, including being named the winner of the Theresa J. Enos Award for Rhetoric Review’s Best Essay of 2012 and receiving the 2013-2015 CCCC Research Initiative Grant, a Lilly fellowship from the University of Maryland, a Triota Award for Feminist Excellence, and a Kathleen Ethel Welch Outstanding Article Award, to name a few.
Director, educator, and scholar, Enoch continues to impact the Academic Writing program and the department with dedication to her students and scholarship.
Enoch will bring to the Naylor Workshop on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies expertise on both feminist and archival scholarship, assisting attendees with these areas of research.
In her keynote address, she will be joined by undergraduate researchers from the University of Maryland who will also speak to their experiences as researchers under Enoch’s mentorship.