Naylor Workshop for Undergraduate
Research in Writing Studies
York College of Pennsylvania
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should attend?
Undergraduate students of any major who are interested in developing and conducting research projects to expand our knowledge and improve our practices in fields of composition, rhetoric, and writing center studies should attend.
How do I apply for attendance and travel grants?
First read the
Then you can apply for attendance and for a travel grant here:
Do I have to prepare research to present?
Though we value any experience with research that you bring to the workshop, you do not have to have conducted or prepared any research before attending; the most important thing is that you have considered a topic--or several--that interest you. The application process will help with that. Then, during the conference you will have the opportunity to focus your research question, experiment with methods, and draft a proposal for a full project. The ideas that you generate at the conference will be shared in a poster session to fellow workshop participants. So, just hope come ready to talk about the topics that interest you.
What should I bring?
Please bring a laptop to use during the individual work section of the workshop (if you do not have one, a laptop will be provided upon request) and notes from any of your previous research that you are interested in building upon.
Is the campus accessible?
York College's campus and the hotel visiting students and faculty stay in are fairly accessible; however, if you have any special concerns about accessibility, please do not hesitate to send an email to one of the addresses provided below: we want you here. There is also a space on the application form to list special needs.
What are the fees to attend the workshop?
If you receive a Naylor Scholarship and Travel Grant, all meals and lodging will be provided free of charge, and you may receive funds to cover or offset your travel expenses. When you apply, you will also be considered for this travel grant. Most attendees are also funded in this way.
If you are a York College of PA student, there are no fees.
What meals are included with workshop registration?
Six meals will be provided during the conference: dinner if you can join us Friday evening, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. You can list dietary needs on the application form.
Where is the workshop held?
The workshop will be held in the Willman Business Building and the Humanities Center on the campus of York College of Pennsylvania. The following link leads to a campus map:
Lodging is provided at a local hotel.
More detailed instructions as to where to meet in these buildings for the workshop will be shared at a later date.
What is the recommended student attire?
The workshop is business casual. We encourage you to wear comfortable shoes and check the local weather before you arrive. Bring a sweater, in case we have cool evenings or if you are sensitive to air conditioning.
Will we have any free time?
The workshop includes several hour-long breaks for meals as well as approximately two hours for independent work time on Sunday.
Who can help me if I still have questions?
Please contact us if you have any questions at or Dr. Dominic DelliCarpini at (